Butterfly Tattoos Designs for Girls

Butterfly Tattoos Designs for Girls. In the drawing there are several principles that form herus note. The goal is that the picture is similar or made more precise with objects drawn. In the drawing there are some principles that form herus considered, namely:

Butterfly Tattoos Designs for Girls

Perspective is a principle or rule that is important in drawing the shape or style of realist painting, as in the technique of using legal means perspektip perspective by using one or two points lost.
Butterfly Tattoos Designs for Girls
The proportion referred to in drawing or painting is the ratio of parts-per-part or parts of the whole. By applying the principle of proportion then it would seem reasonable image objects, for example: image shack under the foot of a mountain or hill where the proportion of mountains or hills that are larger than the hut with a reasonable viewpoint.
Butterfly Tattoos Designs for Girls

Butterfly Tattoos Designs for Girls

The composition of the drawing shapes can be interpreted as anything arrangement or layout object image. The unification of the composition of the object image will be beautified and more reveal the intent image itself.
Butterfly Tattoos Designs for Girls

Butterfly Tattoos Designs for Girls

Butterfly Tattoos Designs for Girls

Dark light is very important in a painting. because the value of a painting is often misunderstood by someone who saw the painting so as meaningless because the seer painting just looking for the bright side of a painting of a painter, therefore dark light is a state field that distinguished the old color to dark color bright young to be caused by the influence of light. Painting entitled starry night van Gogh painted in 1889. You will be able to determine a value of the artwork strong dark-light contrasts clarify van Gogh painting.
Butterfly Tattoos Designs for Girls

Butterfly Tattoos Designs for Girls

In drawing shapes, shadows role will be decisive for the creation of three-dimensional impression. Although somewhat vague, shadow -bayang must exist. Where shadow itself can be divided into three (3) parts: the shadow as light (shadow -crew), which means that the reflection from the object. Shadow objects because light, the other objects (shadows steps) and shadows on slippery surfaces (shadows themselves.)

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